Monday, June 13, 2011

The world is anticipating to see Blade IV!!!

I speak as for the Blade die hard movie fans who love each movie but agrees with Wesley Snipes about how Blade Trinity occurred.
Wesley Snipes specified that he is interested but would only do it if the script was right. What that translates to, is no more side-kick characters like the Night stalkers of Blade Trinity,played by Ryan Reynolds & Jessica Biel. That was a problem behind-the-scenes as they stole some of the precious spotlight away from the title character of the film, at least, according to Snipes. Blade is the only main character that does kick Vampires asses on the film, not any sidekicks.
David Goyer did revealed sometime that there was some talks about possibly doing another Blade movie. He didn't specify any details and with his other major work lined up with bigger movies like The Dark Knight Rises, I don’t know if he’d be involved with the writing of a fourth Blade even though he wrote all three films, the television series pilot & even directed Blade Trinity. And if he decides not to do it then so be it, let it have someone who's more creative, with more imaginations & can launch the franchise up from the ground, winning the audiences one again.

Stephen Norrington, the original director of the first Blade, confirmed this to be the case and said he’d be returning to the franchise once he was done working on his remake of The Crow.
I wouldn't mind seeing a return to form like the first movie where Blade is the sole main lead character, Norrington is back directing and David Goyer again writing(if he chooses to do so). However, with the villains he’s faced so far in the series, I don’t know what direction he’d go in next unless they introduced the long-speculated Morbius storyline. Since Sam Raimi is not doing Spiderman 4 with Tobey Magiure, Marvel does have the opportunity to use it in Blade IV.
I would love to see the day walker versus the Notorious  "Morbius" Vampire villain. Finally, a one on one action that squares off the final brawl of the Blade franchise. Morbius Vs. Blade will be a classic match: The vampire against the vampire hunter.
This will be a absolutely best of the best if Marvel proceeds with this story plot. From Wesley Snipes himself, "I'm really surprised to see how people are anticipating me doing another one, so you never know." Just have your finger crossed & hope to see it in the near future.

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