Monday, February 7, 2011

Is Never Back Down 2 really going to be better than the 1st one?

According to websites:
This sequel will indeed do much better than the 1st one. Michael Jai White reportedly promised, a  “darker installment… with a more of a ‘The Dark Knight’ feel…,” and less of a “Melrose Place vibe.”
In my opinoin this movie is going to be better because of the actors that are in this movie & the story plot sounds like it has more action, more details, you get to know the characters a little better in this movie.

MJW has been involved in some decent small budget action films that may have gone under the radar
Like Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing and Blood & Bone solid action films. He seems to be the right guy for this sequel. I look forward to this movie not because I like the first film (which was good) but because White is involved. He’s got charisma and is a good actor. He actually does his own stunts unlike other actors. Which makes a movie like this more interesting than even the first one.

Sony Pictures will release Never Back Down 2 this summer on June 10th 2011, says IMDB, which is a Friday meaning, a theatrical release is likely planned. Here's the Links:

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